Dirty Martini
Title: “Dirty Moves”
Bump & Grind Vintage dance workout
Bump & Grind Vintage dance workout
Join Classically trained dancer Miss Dirty Martini as she breaks down the basics of burlesque dance for dancers of all levels. Perfect for
those students who have not experienced a movement class before, Miss Martini introduces the classical dance class structure in a friendly and positive atmosphere to get anyone ready for their first or five hundredth turn around a stage.
The building blocks of burlesque choreography are emphasized while students learn a short routine to Miss Martini’s striptease music favorites. All the while Miss Martini will speak about the development of burlesque dance
vocabulary with historical references and break down those moves in a fun and interesting way.
Join Classically trained dancer Miss Dirty Martini as she breaks down the basics of burlesque dance for dancers of all levels. Perfect for
those students who have not experienced a movement class before, Miss Martini introduces the classical dance class structure in a friendly and positive atmosphere to get anyone ready for their first or five hundredth turn around a stage.
The building blocks of burlesque choreography are emphasized while students learn a short routine to Miss Martini’s striptease music favorites. All the while Miss Martini will speak about the development of burlesque dance
vocabulary with historical references and break down those moves in a fun and interesting way.
What time: 1pm-3pm
What to wear: Dance clothes and dance heels are suggested
Price: 89 EUR (+ Service Fee)
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Majestic Luxor:
Title: “My Makeup is my armor”
Majestic Luxor is popular because of his dramatic and really colourful makeup looks. He is always different and always extravagante. By this workshop he is telling you his tips and tricks to get such a stunning and unforgettable look on stage.
What to bring: Your own makeup set
What time: 11am-1pm
Price: 49 euros (+ Service Fee)
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Chocolate Showboy:
Title: “Showgirl dance workshop”
Learn how to parade properly in heels, how to pose, bevel, and how to use your arms. All the things that give you the perfect showgirl lines and elegance taught by someone who really knows what the showgirl is from Las Vegas to Paris. All levels are welcome . A full warm up and showgirl combination will be taught during this 90 minute class.
What to wear: Dance clothes and dance heels are suggested. Please bring water and a towel.
What time: 11am-1pm
Price: 49 euros (+ Service Fee)
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October 16, 2022
11am – 1pm: “My Makeup is my armor” Workshop with Majestic Luxor
11am – 1pm: “Showgirl dance workshop” with The Chocolate Showboy
1pm – 3pm: “Dirty Moves” with Dirty Martini, Bump & Grind Vintage workshop
OF-Dance Academy, Goethering 54, 63067 Offenbach
For further questions please feel free to contact us via Email.